Introduction to Profit First
Financial Reporting Explained - Introduction
Introducing Financial Reporting Financial Reporting is a term normally reserved for publicly traded companies or Fortune 500 firms.
Accounting Software Recommendations
No matter the size of your business, it is important to track your business finances.
Financial Reporting Explained: Income Statement
Introduction to Income Statement Most small business owners know of the income statement which is also referred to as the profit and loss statement.
Tax Advantages & Disadvantages of Each Business Structure
I'm usually asked this question around tax time, so I decided to make a video comparing the difference business structures and their tax implications.
Foreign Earned Income Exclusion - What's Excluded Exactly?
The Foreign Earned Income Exclusion for 2019 maximum amount is $105,900; an increase from 2018 of $103,900.
Hi, I'm your CPA!
I'm Marian Harvin, owner of M. A. Harvin Accounting. I'm a CPA licensed in Maryland and I have over 10 years of accounting experience.
The ABCs of Franchise Taxes and Personal Property Tax Returns
I know what you're thinking...I got more taxes to pay?
Yes, you read that right. There are taxes outside of income taxes that business owner's have to pay. Let's talk about franchise taxes and personal property tax returns.
Tips to Keep Your Finances Organized Before Tax Season
As a small business owner, it's important to stay organized and on top of your finances throughout the year to ensure a smooth tax season.
7 New Year Goals Every Business Owner Should Make For 2023
Welcome to the new year! As we kick off 2023, it's a great time for business owners to reflect on their goals and make resolutions for the coming year.